counterpoise Background Information


Since the 1950s, I have had a connection with Indigenous (Aboriginal) people.  In fact, for decades I was closely associated with the Indigenous “cause.”  From 1975 to 1987, I worked primarily in Native organizations in Southern and Northern Ontario and the Northwest Territories.

I highly respect many aspects of the indigenous way of life, including the visual arts, music, literature and dance.  But when it comes to the politics and the rule of law, I have concerns, which I will share on this blog.  In addition, I will be expressing my views on a wide variety of topics, mostly relating to Canada.

Why counterpoise?  One of the definitions of the verb “counterpoise” is “to act against with equal power, to balance” (Wiktionary, December 27, 2010).  I feel the pendulum has swung too far in one direction, and I want to help bring it back to a more moderate position.

My blog has absolutely no connection to the U.S.-based alternative review journal called Counterpoise.